

After a year of his album "Man on the Moon II: The Legend of Mr. Rager", Kid Cudi returns with a videoclip out of the album: "Mr Rager". The videoclip is directed by Jeremie Rozan. Kid Cudi wrote on his blog:
“There’s only one original Rager, and thats me. I started this ‘rage’ shit. The lifestyle, the term, the whole new meaning and definition of the word. Understand and be clear, IAM THE RAGER, IAM FOREVER. When you hear ANYONE talking bout ‘rage’ or ‘raging’, know where that shit originated. Guess ima have to do some trademarkin’. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES. WE LIVE THIS SHIT!”

Kid Cudi x S2A - "Mr Rager" from Surface to Air on Vimeo.